All About Direct Marketing Virtual Conference & Expo 2018

The E.U.’s extra-territorial General Data Protection Regulations went into effect on May 25, with massive implications for marketers across the world. The law grants a series of new data-focused “Rights and Freedoms” to protect the privacy or E.U. citizens, and charges marketers with safeguarding them. If you don’t, it threatens fines up to $24 million or 4% of annual revenue, whichever is higher. Despite the potentially disastrous consequences, many elements of this legislation were unclear right up to its launch. How is the world reacting? What questions have been answered or raised since it’s implementation? Who’s likely to be the first target of enforcement for these laws? Join our panel of E.U. data experts to hear where you and the world stand with GDPR, and what adjustments you should make in light of the most recent developments.
Data Data Security/Privacy